Wednesday 15 August 2007

The Journey Over…..quick recap

Well I arrived home on 9th August after 6 months on the road with my laptop. I was actually shocked that I didnt lose it on my travels actually, especially as I was often forced to leave it disguised and unlocked on occasion!

Well as far as poker is concerned it wasnt a great trip. I didnt spend as long as I wanted playing, but I also didnt get great results based on the time I invested.

After Malayasia the only other place I managed to log some serious hands was in a hostel in Bangkok with free wi-fi. I used this place as my base to launch travelling campaigns to Laos, Cambodia and Pattaya. Each time I made sure I set aside 2 days minimum to crack on with poker between trips.

Anyways, as I have postd before I switched to S’n'G’s in Malayasia and had a little bad run, after a bad run in the $100Nl cash games in Australia. In Thailand I was back on the $50NL and hovered around the $1000 mark, before 2 terrible days of bad beats and over aggresive play on my part (well for the limit i was playing at) wiped $400 off that also!

I ended up cashing in $650 and cleaning out my account before the end of my trip as funds were low and I simply couldnt see an upswing on the horizon. Some of my final few days away were spend on the Poker Pro tables in Macau, where i was steadily beating the clueless competition. It is a serious bingo game for the unskilled and uneducated locals, so its all about limping, hoping to hit big, and folding when you dont. I managed to roll up my £40 bankroll to £290 before the tables got loaded with large stacks due to the many rebuys (this was a cash game by the way) inflating the game. I still played thinking that as a good player, I could stack one of the bad players. Unfortunatly luck wasnt on my side as I got cleaned out of all but £80 profit that i didnt have on the table when a player called my £130 push on the turn with nothing but a flush draw……and hit.

I didnt deserve that after the bad run i’d had only, but it was bad money management by me to sit there with so much when i was so skint. At least it wasnt bad play though that caused it
I have around $100 online and plenty of time now im not at work. I will be back with an update soon to explain my next project.

I didnt make my millions whilst i was away (i didn expect to), I did invest some days playing, but i did also pay for many experiences using my poker money. I expected to win more for sure and what i did win (around $700 all told) wasnt really enough to justify my time - but hey i had fun and played in games all around the world and not many people can say that, and when I clashed in some $300+ pots as a good favourite, it would of only needed a few different cards to make the trip slightly more successful.

Monday 14 May 2007

Confussion……and ups and downs

Sorry for the delay.

Since I last posted I managed to play a bit in Cairns right at the end of my visit to Australia. Singapore had wifi in the hostel, and now I’m luck enough to have wifi here in Kuala Lumpur (from the hotel over the road).

Australia, like most of the country, was a waste of time. Well some places up the East coast were excellent, but most were very average. I’ve heard that the rest of the country is better…..I would hope so.

Anyways in Cairns (the worst place in Australia) I had a bad run in the NL100 cash games. I have been leaving my bankroll short on purpose to maximise my spending money, so i knew I’d suffer eventually. Luckily I’ve been running well so far and cashed out over $1000 since i left England in February.

As I dropped from $1300 to the $1000 level, I decided to mix it up between $50NL and $22 6man sit & goes. I have been running bad in the sit & goes so far, so im not sure which game I’m better off playing. I read Harrington on holdem Vol.2 in Australia, which i think is excellent, so I’m keen to stick with the tournies at the mo. I’ll see if my win rate increases with time.

In Singpore I had a good start, but only got about 10 sit and goes in. I had a bad run in Indonesia during the 2 hours i 4 tabled the sit and goes, and i dont think i even won a game lol.
I’m in Malaysia now and I have a solid 4 days to play because I’ve had my credit card stolen and hammered by some wanker. Anyways I have to stay here to recieve a replacement, so I’m trying to fit in as much as possible, without couping myself up too much.

I aint had great results so far but its my 1st day of full on ‘work’. I hope to recover to the $1,300 mark by the end of the week so I can get back into the $100NL games later on this trip.

Bankroll $976

Sunday 1 April 2007

Finally an update…….

Sorry to those of you who keep checking the site. I have been away for over a month now and have yet to post. The truth is I have not had much chance to play, although I have had a few small sessions.

In New York i fired up party poker at the airport but in the US you can connect, but the new laws mean you cant actually sit on the tables even if your account is registered in the UK - annoying as i had 2 hours to kill.

In Fiji the internet was’nt that readily available, as you can imagine, and what they did have was far too slow.

In New Zealand I actually managed a couple of 1 hour sessions in Auckland casino, where they have a decent amount of cash game tables. I ended up $150 to the good. After this I either didnt have the time, or cheap enough connection to play too much. At the moment I’m in Christchurch and I have actually found a really good internet cafe near the main square ($3 per hr!).I went for a little sesh yesterday with a guy I met in the hostel who liked a bit of poker and won a little $70. Today I’m back in the cafe playing again on my own as both my mate Duncan and Mike from the hostel are off doing other stuff (swimming with dolphins and flying to South America respectively). A cheeky $50 up currently, although i mite pack up soon and take a stroll the the casino here in Christchurch. I dont know if they have cash games, but its worth a look for a change of scenery.

Although its not crazy amounts in terms of money won, or time put in playing, I’m running well for sure. Apart from at Auckland casino that is, where you’d have to be a total muppet to lose to the crazy tourists at my table! This travelling/poker is pretty cool (when you get chance to play).

Bankroll - $1400 odd (i forgot to check) after I withdrew $800 to boost the travel monies after Fiji.

Monday 19 February 2007


This post is going to have to be split into two really, one about the weekend which will only make sense to those who came to Folkestone for my send off. The other part will contain some poker thoughts that wont make sense to anyone who came to visit, well except Howie .I’ll start with the main point of this blog, poker. For a while now I have been thinking 2 things about poker from my recent experience:

1. Why have I sudden lost all momentum and struggle to increase my bankroll.

2. A lot of the low level very aggressive players gain chips easily but lose them to rocks like me by making stupid calls - how could I change more to that style whilst keeping my ability to make sensible folds, thereby creating a perfect combination of the two styles.

Before I found an answer to these questions I moved $300 into Will Hill to pick up the monthly bonus last week. It didn’t take long to have a set under set situation and an outdraw and I was down to $0. I did actually get the bonus but it was only $50 and because I was down it didn’t really make any difference. That was pretty annoying…………so again I went back o the 2 questions above.

After reading a few blogs I suddenly remembered something I usually do but have suddenly stopped. Open raising with a hand I will play. Unfortunately as a tight player this is not something I would naturally do, although it is something I do believe I should do. I think that after playing so , much poker, you get kind of hypnotized into playing your most comfortable, yet not the most profitable way.

I’m not saying that open limping is terrible and should be banned, I just find that raising has added more aggression to my particular style. I have found that in doing this, you take control of the pot your playing and over the course of time I find that I am the one gaining chips now. I may just be running good and have this all wrong, but I definitely think this small change has addressed the 2 questions above.

Anyways after losing the $300 on Will Hill I have gone on to win most of it back on Party. Over the weekend I even played a late session (3am-5am) completely off my face and all I can remember is that I won over $150. Then I also won around $70 whilst completely hungover and having less than 4 hours sleep the next day in 30 minutes. Nice to squeeze in a few profitable hands even while having 4 people staying in my room all weekend.
Ok so for the other part of this post, my leaving weekend. Watch out because I’m afraid this is in semi code for those who were here as I promised a mention on my blog.


It really was a brilliant weekend and I haven’t felt as grim or tired since my uni days, so it was a real old school blow out with the key faces from the past 5 years (minus Froggy and J.R, jokes).

Bankroll - $1780